Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • R. Giegerich

    • Institution: Bielefeld University (Germany)

    • Subject: Efficient algorithms for RNA secondary structure alignment.

    • Funding: Dgar (Ecole Polytechnique)

    • R. Giegerich visited the Amib project-team for a month. He taught dynamic-programming to the students of the Bibs master. He initiated a collaboration on sparsification, an algorithmic technique that speeds up dynamic programming algorithm. A comprehensive review on RNA structure alignment algorithms, to appear in a forthcoming book, was also written during his stay.

  • J. Waldispühl

    • Institution: McGill University (Canada)

    • Subject: RNA design and tertiary structure prediction.

    • Funding: Digiteo (Lri )

    • J. Waldispühl visited Amib for a month. He finalized a collaboration on RNA design (Y. Ponty, leading to [16] ), established a new collaborative research (with A. Denise and Y. Ponty, on tertiary motifs), laid the foundations of a future X-UPSud exchange program, initiated a workshop on molecular interactions (with J. Bernauer), and started a PhD co-supervision (A. Soulé, co-supervised with J.-M. Steyaert and Y. Ponty).

  • X. Huang

    • Subject: Millisecond dynamics at atomic resolution by Markov State Models

    • Institution: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong-Kong)

  • A. Sim

    • Subject: Modeling RNA by hierarchical natural moves

    • Institution: Stanford University (USA) / A*STAR (Singapore)

  • L. Pereyaslavets

    • Subject: Critical assessment of non bonded part of force fields

    • Institution: Stanford University (USA)

  • Y. Okamoto

    • Subject: Protein folding, unfolding, and ligand docking by computer simulations

    • Institution: Nagoya University (Japan)

  • A. Martirosyan (March-Jul 2012)

    • Subject: A Dynamical Model for the Transmembrane Potential Regulation by pH

    • Institution:Cergy University (Pontoise)

    • Funding: Inria

    • Supervision:L. Paulevé and M. Régnier

  • B. Brancotte (March-July 2012)

    • Subject: Designing a framework to compare biological data ranking methods

    • Institution: Paris-Sud University (France)

    • Funding: Inria

    • Supervision: S. Cohen-Boulakia and A. Denise

  • Gh.Fievet (March-Sept 2012)

    • Subject: Improving MPAS software

    • Institution: Paris-Sud University (France)

    • Funding: Ecole Polytechnique

    • Supervision:J.M. Steyaert

  • J. Weaver (Jun-Aug 2012)

    • Subject: Efficient Motif Discovery and Evaluation

    • Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States)

    • Funding: MIT France program

    • Supervision: Y. Ponty and M. Régnier

  • A. Menard (Jun-Aug 2012)

    • Subject: Extending JalView 's RNA interconnection with Varna

    • Institution: Université Paris-Sud

    • Supervision: Y. Ponty and J. Procter (Univ. Dundee, Scotland)

  • A. Soulé (Jun-Aug 2012)

    • Subject: Prediction of RNA-RNA interactions in yeast

    • Institution: Ecole Polytechnique

    • Supervision: Y. Ponty and J.-M. Steyaert

  • V. Arendt (Jun-Aug 2012)

    • Subject: Integrating RNA web services into JalView using Jabaws

    • Institution: Duke University (United States)

    • Funding: Google Summer of Code program

    • Supervision: Y. Ponty and J. Procter (Univ. Dundee, Scotland)

  • T. Coulmy & N. Duhamel (Jun-Jul 2012)

    • Subject: Average-case property analysis of workflows based on hypergraphs

    • Institution: Université Paris-Sud

    • Supervision: S. Cohen-Boulakia and Y. Ponty

  • F.K. Sheong (May-Aug 2012)

    • Subject: RNA structural design by docking and machine learning

    • Institution: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong, (China))

  • L. Uroshlev (Oct-Nov 2012)

    • Subject: Reference state for RNA KB potentials

    • Institution: IOGEN (Moscou, (Russia))

  • A. Bari (Oct 2012)

    • Subject: stress-inducible miRNAs

    • Institution:El Farabi University (Almaty, (Kazakhstan))